Before emailing us with your question, please check the FAQs below.
If nothing here answers your questions, click here to email us. Or complete the form below.
The important thing to remember with these large DVDownload files is to SAVE them to your computer before attempting to watch them. The downloading process may take 5-10 minutes, depending on your internet connection and speed. After the download is completed, open and play the video with your favorite video player. If Windows Media Player doesn`t work, adjust the player settings to allow for playback of .MPEG files. Or, try VLC Player.
These DVDownloads may be too large for your mobile device.
If you still have a problem, do not buy the download again. Just click here to email us.
DVDs are available only as downloads now. We do not ship DVDs anymore.
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Yes. We will consider paying her for good, original, HD videos you send. Check out this info .
If you prefer to buy DVDownloads or QuickClips with PayPal or Western Union, no problem.
We can also accept Venmo and CashApp.
For more info, please email us. Tell us which Clips or DVDownloads you want to buy.
The minimum order amount with these methods is $25.
We will send you 2-3 different video format options for each order. For a mobile device, choose the small .mp4 video. It should play perfectly on your phone.
We will not issue refunds on DVDs, DVDownloads or QuickClips. But if you have any problems with downloading or viewing your videos, we will respond and fix it right away! Our customer service is fast and excellent! Please email us.
Just email us, or visit us on Twitter:
No mention of the website name.